News & Insights

Covid-19 Rapid Response Funding

July 9, 2020
min read

The impacts of the social distancing measures as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have had a significant impact on the global and local economy.  In April alone, 600,000 people in Australia lost their jobs – an unprecedented number (the previous largest increase in unemployment in a single month was 65,400 in October 1982). As a result, there has been a significant increase in demand and support required through social services and direct emergency and welfare relief. Whilst the Australian Federal and State governments have made significant contributions to emergency  relief, many communities are still immensely impacted. As such the Bennelong Foundation trustees made a decision at the April board meetings to re-allocate a substantial portion of the grants away from the usual granting focus areas and instead to support rapid response needs of the community.

The Bennelong Foundation has made the following grants in support of emergency and rapid relief for communities directly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.